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Dangers & Electrical Risk in Older Homes

Electrical Risk in Older Homes - Wire Craft

With the trend of DIY home improvements and the reality TV shows that glamorize it, house-flipping is emerging as a popular option for homeowners and hobbyists alike. And what’s not to love? The idea of taking a run-down fixer-upper and turning it into your dream home is an alluring Cinderella story. However, it’s important to note that there are also some major risks involved that you’ll need to be mindful of – particularly in terms of a home’s electrical setup.

We’re not just talking about electrical fires either, but electrocutions as well. There are 30,000 non-lethal home electrocution incidents reported each year. If you’re living in an older home, that number dramatically increases. This doesn’t mean you should avoid buying an aging house or forgo your house flipping hobby, but there are some key electrical issues you’ll want to be aware of to protect your home and yourself.

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Seattle’s Electrical Grid: Stats and What You Need to Know

Stats About Seattle's Electrical Grid

Stats and What You Need to Know

Electricity is one of the most important things in our lives. Most of the time hardly a thought is given to it. You open your refrigerator and get a glass of milk. After that, you turn on the bathroom light in the middle of the night. Next, you charge your phone overnight to make sure you have a full battery for the next day. Think about what happens with all of those tasks without energy. Your milk gets warm and sour. You may stub your toe getting to the bathroom. Your phone won’t charge. Your electricity is often not thought about until it’s gone. Then, you really wish it was back. Let’s talk about the statics of Seattle’s electrical grid and how this impacts you.

Statistics about Seattle’s Electrical Grid and Companies

For your information, Seattle City Light has about 422,810 metered customers that will use an annual 9,157,494 megawatt-hours. This breaks down to 41,391 business customers using 6,242,931 megawatt-hours and a pool of 381,419 residences using 2,914,563 megawatt-hours.

That’s a lot of electricity per person, and many of the sources of energy come from non-renewable resources. Seattle City Light has an interactive map. It shows people how many electrical outages are occurring, and how many customers the outages are affecting. This gives you an idea of the size of the grid and their methods of clearing up outages.

More Statistics

In addition to that, Seattle has a long history as being an energy conservation program, and in fact, has one of the longest running programs in the country. Seattle was the first utility company offering electricity to become a greenhouse gas neutral entity. Moreover, Seattle is at the cutting edge of finding renewable resources for energy production and employs the use of hydroelectric power at 86% percent in 2021. The other sources of energy for the city includes nuclear, wind, coal, biomass, natural gas, petroleum, and landfill gasses.

This can make it sound like Seattle has it all figured out when it comes to the reliance on renewable resources. The truth is that the increasing use of electricity is presenting more and more of a burden on the electrical grid. It’s great that Seattle is using hydroelectric power, but there is still a duty on every person to find ways to decrease their demands on the grid. This not only helps the environment in not having to have as much electricity produced, but it also can help to reduce your electricity bills. This is a complete win-win incentive to do your part in the green movement.

What You Can Do

It’s easy to think that there is nothing you can do to make a difference when it comes to the usage of electricity in Seattle. You’re just one person, right? Your family, however, can make a big difference when added to all of the other people that do something small to change how they are using electricity. There are a number of things that you can do to reduce the amount of electricity your family uses.

Beware of Energy Vampires

Any appliances that have a little light on them to show they are plugged in, but not on are sucking up energy that’s not necessary. It can be a good idea to locate the different appliances that are energy vampires and unplug them. If unplugging them isn’t an option, you can invest in power towers that allow you turn off a row of plugs at a time. This means that some plugs will still have power while others are not on.

Monitor Electrical Usage

Another way to examine your electrical usage is in your larger appliances. It may be time for an upgrade to an energy star appliance that uses electricity more efficiently. Older refrigerators, washers, dryers, air conditioners, and more all use more electricity than their newer counterparts. Upgrading may cost you money in the short-term, but you may find that your lower electric bill can make that investment well worth it.

Upgrade Your Electrical System

Another place you can upgrade is with your electrical system. You may have an older system that is failing to provide the best use of electricity in your home. Getting an electrical audit in your home can help you to find ways to improve your home’s electricity use.

Power is an important resource and it’s up to everyone to do their part. Seattle has a large electrical grid with consumption to match for a big population. It can be easy to think that any efforts on your part wouldn’t do much to change the numbers, but with everyone working together, reductions are possible. You can work to save natural resources by reducing your electricity demands by making an effort to reduce energy waste and to improve the electrical system in your home.

Need assistance with improving your electrical usage?

Contact us at Wire Craft Electric to see where your electrical system could use an upgrade.

We will help you to eliminate energy waste in your home.

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Energy Star Appliances: Do They Really Pay for Themselves?

energy starYou’ve probably seen the Energy Star sticker on countless appliances throughout the past couple decades. The symbol has become ubiquitous with energy saving since it emerged 24 years ago. But how effective are Energy Star appliances in application? Is it just another marketing tactic or does it have a real impact on your energy bill? Will the appliances pay for themselves? The answers to these questions aren’t exactly simple, but can be enlightening.

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Animals and Its Electricity Impact at Home

electricity impact

Many of you in the Seattle area might remember this incident from last May, when a raccoon managed to somehow cause massive power outage in the Seattle area, affecting almost 40,000 people due to electricity impact. A smaller number of you might recall this strange event, as well. While these examples are rather unusual sets of circumstances, it’s not unusual for animals to cause problems with power and impact electricity on a much smaller scale.

Even though animals causing large-scale blackouts isn’t as uncommon as you’d assume, we’re going to leave that alone for today and talk about animals and their impact on your personal and local electrical situation: your house, and maybe the ones right in your immediate area.

So, how can animals cause the power in your home to have problems?

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Keeping an Eye on Your Electrical Bill

electrical bill

You’ve probably seen some items in the news recently about customers across the country spying problems with their electrical bills. Between confusing data, inconsistent information, and (unfortunately) some electric companies marking up bills in their favor, it’s difficult to know exactly whether or not you’re being charged fairly for your electricity usage. This is why it’s important that every customer understands a thing or two about how to interpret the various parts of their power bill. That way, if you suspect that you are being charged incorrectly or unfairly, you can understand what your bill says in order to find and fight the discrepancies.

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Here Come the Electric Cars: How Will They Impact My Electricity Bill?

electric car

Without a doubt, one of the biggest revolutions in transportation over the past decade has been the mainstream adoption of the electric car. Once considered a bit of an eccentric idea, the electric car has since made its mark in our society with over half a million plug-in vehicles on American roads in 2016. In Seattle alone, the number of electric vehicles on the road is expected to be around 12,000 by the beginning of the 2020s. Regardless of the numbers, the future is clear: electric cars are here to stay, and will only become more popular as time goes by.

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Preparing Yourself for Winter Power Outages and Emergencies

Let’s talk about winter power outages. When the electricity threatens to go, what do you do to keep yourself prepared? With snow, wind, and rain causing branches to break and cause blackouts, you could be out of power for hours or days. That’s why it’s important to have the right resources to stay warm and comfortable while you wait out the storm – or the right electrician if it’s something minor that calls for a professional. You’ll be glad you prepared in advance, instead of sitting in the dark twiddling your thumbs.

Winter Power Outages & EmergenciesBelow is a list of items that you should have ready to keep yourself safe and warm while you patiently wait for the lights to come back on.

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How to Spot Electrical Problems With Your Furnace

Electrical Problems with Furnace - Wire Craft ElectricIf you find your furnace isn’t producing enough heat, or is just not even turning on at all, what do you do? You could call an electrician or a heating and air company, but fear not! There might be a quick fix available. Before doing anything, it’s best to check if the system even turns on. By turning your thermostat three-to-five degrees above your room temperature in the heat setting, you should hear it turn on within 10-30 seconds. If nothing happens, or you don’t feel much heat coming from the vent, it’s time to go down the list of potential causes.

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How To Improve Your Electricity Bill in the Winter

Improve Winter Electricity Bill - WireCraft

Traditionally, winter is thought of as a magical time of year with snowball fights, hot cocoa, and fashionable coats. But if you own a home, it can feel less magical and more maddening. All the whimsy of the season goes away the second you take a look at your dreaded electricity bill.

So, how do you keep winter from hurting your wallet? To help you out, Wire Craft came up with a bunch of tips to help to protect you from the winterizing brutality of coldness and the electrical bill that comes with it.

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Best Uses For Track Lighting In Your Home

track lightingIn a fancy restaurant, you’ve probably been amazed by the mood-setting atmosphere. The subtleness of the task lighting above your table, paired with the specific accent lighting on walls, highlighting tasteful decor, gives you that romantic feeling without you having to worry about… well, eating in the dark. You can thank track lighting for all these feels. Track lighting uses multiple lights on a rail system, pointing in different directions to create a dynamic effect on an object, wall, or surface. So how does a home use track lighting, and where might you be missing opportunities to provide unmatched ambiance? As it turns out, track lighting was first made popular in home decor… so, it’s worth considering as you decide on lighting for your main living spaces.

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