Electricians do make the image as the superheroes of power because they help us keep the lights on! But what is that they specifically do?

Essentially, electricians install and maintain all electrical power systems. Electricians generally focus on installation or maintenance however at Wire Craft Electric, we happen to do both. 

There are four primary types of electricians:

  • Residential wire men
  • Inside wire men
  • Telecommunications electricians
  • Outside linemen. 


Our highly experienced and trained electricians cover a broad domain of electrical work. These are just some of the primary jobs they cover.


Our electricians troubleshoot electrical issues and electric heat problems. You can count on Wire Craft to help troubleshoot nearly all home electrical issues.

Troubleshooting is an important service to outsource to the experts because it can present dangers to people who are untrained in electrical work. 


Repairs are one of our most common requests as electricians. Wire Craft’s highly trained electricians are often called to repair electrical systems such as faulty outlets, switches, circuits and circuit breakers.

It’s important to hire the experts instead of attempting to repair faulty or broken electrical systems. 


Electricians also can install new electrical systems in homes. At Wire Craft, our electricians are often called upon to install new electrical circuits, new lights, outlets and switches. 


Electrical systems often require upgrading . It is important to upgrade systems for safety reasons and to make sure you are in compliance with current codes. Our electricians upgrade electrical panels, meters and systems. 

The engineer who conducts the site visit may determine if your electrical panel requires updating, for instance when installing solar panels.

This means that your new solar panels will require more amps and the ampere capacity of your electrical box will need to increase. This is something we can help you with. 


Rewiring a house or rewiring faulty circuits is an important and potentially dangerous task. It’s important to rely on expert opinions.

Likewise, for any home over 50 years old, you will want an electrician to inspect the electrical systems. This is because you need to see if it requires rewiring.

This is something our electricians can assist with in addition to the initial service. 

Wire Craft Electricians Do Efficient Tasks for Best Results

In conclusion, if you need further help, you can Call Wire Craft today.